An inveterate traveller, Gian Paolo travels with agility and a keen interest from east to west, north to south, guided by his instinct to discover new areas of inspiration for his work. He designs interiors, temporary exhibition, objects and textiles, and also handles creative direction. He loves designing fashion, including his own clothes. And he paints. Born in Trieste, not surprisingly overlooking the Molo Audace, he has lived in London and New York, before moving to Milan. He defines himself as an urban animal, despite having chosen Syros, in the Cyclades, as his place of choice. For now.
Gianpaolo Venier, Cristina Pettenuzzo and Domenico Diego develop interior, product design and art direction projects with Paola Navone for OTTO Studio.
This collaboration is always a source of new stimuli and allows you to explore new areas of work.
Born from the creative vision of architect and designer Paola Navone, OTTO is a multi-disciplinary design studio formed by a team of fifteen, that collaborates with a wide portfolio of international clients through a range of projects from interior design to furniture and accessory design, including graphics, styling and creative direction.
The teams dedicated to interior design projects and the development of product and graphic design projects feed a continuous creative contamination, the key to achieve the global vision of the project. From the scale of architecture to that of the product design scale, down to the detail of style and decoration.